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Getting started

After folowing the experimental protocol, we provide the openst python package for transforming the raw sequencing data into objects that can be used for spatial, single-cell analysis, in five steps:

  1. Preprocessing of Open-ST spatial barcodes (capture area)
  2. Preprocessing of Open-ST transcriptomic library
  3. Pairwise alignment: the spatial coordinates of transcriptomics data are aligned to tissue imaging.
  4. Segmentation and single-cell quantification: transcriptomic data are aggregated into single cells using the information from cell segmentation of tissue images.
  5. 3D reconstruction of tissue imaging and transcriptome from serial sections. We provide tutorials for interactive visualization of 3D data.


The computational tools of the Open-ST workflow are published as a Python package and can be installed with pip, ideally by using a virtual environment. Open up a terminal and install openst with:

pip install openst


If you don't have prior experience with Python, we recommend reading Using Python's pip to Manage Your Projects' Dependencies, which is a really good introduction on the mechanics of Python package management and helps you troubleshoot if you run into errors.

Running on Apple Silicon-based Macs

If you have a Mac with Apple Silicon (M1 or later), please install openst on a Rosetta environment to ensure full compatibility (i.e., openst manual_pairwise_aligner might not work otherwise). Also, the version of scikit-image pinned in the requirements might not be available for Apple Silicon. Thus, create an environment and install dependencies as follows (assuming you have installed conda):

CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda create -n openst python=3.11
conda install scikit-image==0.19.3
pip install openst

When running openst manual_pairwise_aligner for the first time, startup time will be longer than usual. This is the expected behavior with osx-64 binaries (Rosetta). Also, you can install the optional napari (used in openst preview):

pip install napari
Installed on Linux, accessing via SSH from Windows or macOS

If you install openst on Linux, and then use SSH from Windows or macOS to run it, you will need to have X11 redirection for the GUI-based components (i.e., manual_pairwise_aligner and preview).

For example, you have to run SSH as:

ssh -X user@server

If you are using macOS, please download and install X-quartz.

If you are using Windows, we recommend using Tabby as the terminal, then VcXsrv as the X Server. You will need to setup a new SSH Profile with X11 forwarding in Tabby.

from git

openst can be directly installed from the source GitHub repository:

git clone
pip install -e openst

with docker

The official Docker image is a great way to get up and running in a few minutes, as it comes with all dependencies pre-installed. Open up a terminal and pull the image:

docker pull rajewsky/openst

Get a bash terminal

In a terminal:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash openst

Attach a local folder to docker:

In a terminal:

docker run -it --rm -v local_folder:/app/docker_folder --entrypoint bash openst

Make sure to replace local_folder (and optionally docker_folder).

Support GUI (openst manual_pairwise_aligner or napari)

In a terminal:

docker run -it --rm -p 9876:9876 openst

Then open https://localhost:9876 in a browser. The video below shows an example launching openst manual_pairwise_aligner on the browser (we recommend Google Chrome or similar).

Running on Apple Silicon-based Macs

If you have a Mac with Apple Silicon (M1 or later), you need to configure docker run as:

docker run --platform linux/amd64 # .. rest of the command
This will use emulation of amd64 binaries, so performance might be slower than native. Please consider running on a Linux-based workstation, if possible, with a CUDA-supported GPU.